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Canny Comic Jam!
A day of comic-making in the Library, no experience or skill necessary. 11am to 3pm. Drop in any time through the day to do some drawing and maybe make a comic. Everything is free. Suitable for adults and young adults aged 14+.
11.30am there'll be a brief talk about WHAT IS COMICS. What is it? Really? Alex is going to try and tell you. It's an amazing medium and if you're unfamiliar with the scope of what comics can do, hopefully this can give you some ideas. If you want to explore further, why not check out the Library's extensive manga and graphic novel sections, full of good stuff!
So what's else is happening?
Drawing games
Warm-up those drawing skills! Have a bit of a laugh! Reflect on the nature of pictorial communication!
Broken Telephone
Someone draws a picture. Then someone else writes a description of that picture. Then the third person draws a picture based on the written description but without seeing the previous picture. Then someone writes a written description of that picture (without seeing anything earlier). And so on!
If the last thing in the file is a picture, write a description of it. If the last thing is a description, draw a picture based on it. It's that simple! Once you've done your piece you get to look back through the whole file and see how the idea has changed over time (in theory it stays the same, in practice, things often go quite awry!)
Comic jams
Draw a panel, then pass the page on! Take it in turns to draw panels and try and make some kind of story that makes sense.
To add a little extra challenge, we'll have a tin of random prompts ('a new character enters the story!', 'the character stops and talks directly to the reader', etc).
Making comics
Foldy comics
Learn the ancient and mysterious art of folding one bit of paper into an eight-page booklet without staples, ready to draw a little comic in! Then draw a little comic! Then we'll photocopy them - a couple of copies for you to dispense to deserving readers, and, if you're happy to, a copy for the collection of all the stuff that gets made at the event!
TIPS! To photocopy well, make sure you leave reasonable clearance between the art and the edge of the pages, avoid pale colours like yellow or light blue that don't photocopy so well.
Anthology in a day
We're going to try and make an anthology (collection of multiple people's work) right there on the day. The theme is 'libraries'. Simply draw one A4 page comic - make sure it's legible and not wildly offensive, and it's in!
TIPS! Again, leave plenty of space around the edge of the paper, and avoid pale colours for any important details. Make sure you credit yourself on your page (there'll be no contents/credits).
If you're not going to be around later in the day, but do draw a page - we can take a copy of your page before you go (you keep your page, always!), leave your name and we can keep a copy aside for you when you're next in the library.
10am Library opens.
11am Event starts. LET'S GOOOO!
11.30am Things vaguely pause for brief talk/discussion about WHAT IS COMICS.
11.50am GENERAL COMIC DRAWING ENSUES. Completed foldy comics get photocopied as they get finished.
2.30pm All suitable completed pages for the anthology are grabbed, it gets photocopied, assembled, stapled.
3pm High fives all round, survey all the stuff that's been done, event finishes.
4pm Library closes.