

High fives all round!

 photos: @LouiseReeve1, @BrittCoxon, @ToonLibraries

Thanks to all the creators, many of whom travelled great distance to be there.
Thanks to everyone who delivered the brilliant talks/workshop/panels.
Thanks to the 99th Garrison for keeping the event safe from those pesky rebels (and posing for photos and collecting for our charities).
Thanks for the donations of comics - and then money for the comics - at the charity table.
(We reached a total of £149.49 that will go to the Lord Mayor's nominated charities.)
Thanks to the Jen and all the library staff for giving Canny a home.
And thanks to everyone who came and bought comics, drew stuff, attended the events, I hope you had fun.

Without all of the above, the Canny Comic Con wouldn't be.

As ever, it'll probably return.

In the meantime you may also be interested in:

The majority of our guests sell their splendid work over the internet. Many do webcomics. You should check it all out, because they're all incredibly talented folks making great work.

Newcastle City Library - has a great selection of comics/graphic novels/manga. And now it has a subscription to Comicsplus - digital platform for comics (has a bunch of great stuff including, for example Bone, Hellboy, Adventure Timehttps://www.newcastle.gov.uk/leisure-libraries-and-tourism/libraries/download-ebooks-and-audiobooks#comics

The Library also has a graphic novel reading group - Readers of the Lost Art, who meet on fortnightly Tuesdays at 6pm to talk all things sequential art, usually with a particular book or theme.

In terms of making comics, check out Paper Jam Comics Collective, who meet on the second Thursday of every month at 6.30pm at Travelling Man comic shop and occasionally put together awesome anthologies (open to all (18+), regardless of artistic experience).


It's on - Canny Comic Con 2017 - 18th March

Saturday 18th March 2017.
Newcastle City Library.
10.30am to 3.30pm

A hall jam-packed with some of the most interesting comics creators from around the region and beyond!

•In-depth Star Wars character design workshop with Nigel Dobbyn.
•Talks from Applied Comic Etc and Black Lodge Press.
•Anthology editors' panel discussion.
•'Just A Comics Minute' (ripped off from lovingly reinterpreting a certain classic Radio 4 panel show by adding a comics theme).
•Drop-by drawing all day!


Charity collection

As in previous years, we'll be collecting during Canny for the Lord Mayor's nominated charities. This year they are: Charlie Bear for Cancer Care, the Fire Fighters' Charity, the Dog's Trust, and Arthritis in Children Fund based at the Great North Children's Hospital.

The 99th Garrison will be collecting, plus we'll be running a second-hand comics stall selling incredible bargains - with all takings going into the charity fund. Dig deep, people!


CCC2017 Guest: K Ben Clarke

Who are you?
I am K Ben Clarke, sporadic writer and artist of neglected webcomics, or a person who relates surprising well to the problems of cartoon ducks.

What have you done / what are you doing?
I've done a surprising amount of comic strips that are part of a series called Man-Children. I'm also now experimenting with work in less semi-autobiographical-comics-with-homicidal-penguins, like my first Paper Jam comic Necro-Nancy.

Favourite comics character (other than your own)?
Doctor Victor Von Doom... Why? Have you never read comics - he has a magic castle full of robots, do I need to say more because I can but then this will all be why Doctor Doom is the best.

Further Info:
https://www.facebook.com/ManChildrenwebcomic/ - updates of my things get posted here as I've neglected twitter and tumblr more than my own webcomic.


CCC2017 Guest: Paul Thompson

Who are you?
I’m Paul Thompson, I make things and talk about making things. Too much emphasis on the latter and not enough of the former. I’m quite lazy.

What have you done / what are you doing?
I’ve written and drawn for a number of anthologies, my own comic is called Tales of the Hollow Earth, recently I curated an exhibition and anthology art book called Invisible Beasts. I’ve been involved in putting together a lot of anthologies too, The Newcastle Science Comic and far too many Paper Jam Comics Collective “…And That's”.

At the Canny Comic Con, I’ll be talking about anthologies as part of a panel, starting off far too many Jam Comics which you can join in with, and be taking the role of ‘Nick Parsnips’ running ‘Just a Comics Minute’ – if you’d like to play or suggest a topic drop Canny HQ an email.

Favourite comics character (other than your own)?
Can I choose two?
I’m choosing two, but for one reason: Superman & Judge Dredd.
Both are perfect illustrations of how a character, backstory, location and supporting cast can create infinite stories to tell. Both characters have depth and backstory which isn’t immediately apparent, or even necessary to a new reader, making them immediately accessible to new readers.

As a result, both are occasionally mistaken for and criticised as one dimensional ciphers. The criticism is unfair and incorrect, but I think good writers are generally aware that this also, is an aspect of the character design that can be used to good effect where they can be viewed as a force of nature around which to tell a great many stories, a rock to bounce other characters off.

Further info:
I’m in twitter at @paulxthompson and my infrequently updated website can be found at http://www.hollowearth.co.uk/

CCC2017 Guest: Cuttlefish

Who are you?
Cuttlefish, a secretive middle-aged, undersea, comic artist from Newcastle.

What have you done / what are you doing?
With several small-press works under his belt including Out of Time 1, 2 & 3, Giga, Taxonauts, Trainee Space Chef, Dead Roots, The Best Man, Food for the Dead, Evolution & Beep and the Newcastle Science Comic project. He is also an active member of Paper Jam Comics Collective and has been involved with several comic events around Tyneside including 24 hour comics day, mini comics day and the Canny Comic Con.

Favourite comics character (other than your own)?
Lincoln Red Crow from Scalped.

Further Info:


CCC2017 Guest: The 99th Garrison

Who are you?
The 99th Garrison, we are the UK's largest independent Star Wars centric costume group.

What have you done / what are you doing?
We help our own charity (Dreamflight) and other charities raise funds, we have helped recently The MS Society, MIND and NE Children's Cancer Care to name a few.

Favourite comics character (other than your own)?
Batman got me into comics initially, but always liked the Howard Chaykin art of the original Star Wars comics.

Further info:
FB @99thGarrison
Twitter @99thGarrison


CCC2017 Guest: Mama Lips

Who are you?
Mama Lips. I make auto-bio comics about queer life and anxiety. I also make music under the genre qwee (queer twee). Most of the stories are about love, gay themes, music and anything else that interests me.

What have you done / what are you doing?
I've been working on a number of real life comics but working on some different ideas lately.

Favourite comics character (other than your own)?
Mabel from Gravity Falls, because she's adorable. I don't know if she counts as a comic character. So, maybe Jeffrey Lewis, his personality and humor comes through great in his comics

Further info:

CCC2017 Guest: CharlyVonKarma

Who are you?
My name is Charlotte, I go by CharlyVonKarma and my work is mostly character and comic based.
I'm an up and coming artist from the North East who loves art, tea, music and old detective shows.

What have you done/what are you doing?
I've been attending conventions since 2010 selling quirky badges and prints featuring my artwork and taking commissioned sketches. Currently I am also working on a webcomic series called Sultans that focuses on the relationship between a music lover and a musician and the first volume has now been printed, so I'm very new to it all!

Favourite comics character (other than your own)?
Spiderman and Iron Man will always be my childhood favourites. As an adult I like characters like TJ from The Less than Epic Adventures of TJ and Amal, Spider Jerusalem from Transmetropolitan and The Commander from the webcomic Manly Guys Doing Manly Things. I like a wide variety!

Further info?
You can find me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at CharlyVonKarma!